The position of the head of the company provides great opportunities and requires increased responsibility. This article will consider the primary duties and obligations every director should know.

The role of the director of the company

The director or leader is the brain of a large team, the engine of the entire team, and the organization’s captain. His most important function is to develop the organizational structure. There are several standard organizational structures from which he chooses the one that suits his company. However, regardless of the chosen organizational structure, the director needs to develop regulations, prescribe business processes, set goals and objectives and take measures to provide the company with all the necessary labor and material resources.

The director of an enterprise is an employee with very broad but still limited powers. Along with broad powers, he is endowed with serious responsibility:

    • for company property;
    • for decisions made by him within his competence, and the consequences of these decisions;
    • for the results of the financial and economic activities of the company.

What is the director responsible for?

So, let’s analyze the top 10 most important duties and responsibilities of the director in more detail. They are as follows:

    1. Creation of an ideology. The director is responsible for formulating the main goal and intention, their preservation, and promotion to support the ideological basis of the activity.
    2. Organization of execution. If you want the work to be done with the proper quality and within the required time frame, you must pay close attention to the organization of this process. All these procedures must be consistent with the content of the task itself and the timing of its implementation.
    3. Distribution of duties. This part of the leader’s work is the most understandable in its content. One of the reasons for the overload of managers is that the leader does not distribute responsibilities.
    4. Ensuring interoperability. Employees need regular contact with the head. In addition, subordinates need to interact with their colleagues on a “horizontal” level, both within their structure and with access to other departments.
    5. Building interpersonal relationships. Depending on the goals and nature of the tasks facing the company, one or another type of relationship in the team can be both good and bad. This parameter is relative and depends on how these relationships contribute to effective work. The leader must maintain a proper balance between cooperation and rivalry in the team. Interpersonal relationships are not a given but a controlled substance.
    6. Analysis of results. Any results seem to be optimal and the only possible ones. Although this habit sometimes spoils the mood, it significantly increases management efficiency.
    7. Process efficiency audit. The manager is obliged to measure and evaluate the correctness of the work organization, correlate this with key performance indicators, and, in case of discrepancy or forecasting such a possibility in the future, ensure the development of the necessary changes.
    8. Finance and assets. The director controls the rational and efficient handling of monetary and tangible assets.
    9. Organization of strategic planning and management. He should ensure that the company develops in a controlled manner and achieves an intermediate goal.
    10. Appointment to the post and control of the activities of company executives. To truly be a business owner, you must perform the appropriate functions. Otherwise, the company may become “nothing.”